Friday, September 26, 2008

I´m here!

Mbaèichapa! (Hello in Guarani)
I arrived in Asuncion yesterday morning. There, Peace Corps training staff met us in the airport, carted us off to Guarambare (the training site 45 min. outside of the capital), and then soon deposited us with our new host families.

All of the Environmental Education volunteers live in the same community that is walking distance from the training center. I have a host mom, dad, and two little sisters ages 3 and 9 who are both very curious. I have already met both of the grandmothers also. One was very concerned if I like to go to fiestas because the last volunteer didn´t which seemed to worry her a lot. The family I live with is fairly middle class with a lot of the conveniences. I have an airconditioning unit and a stereo system in my bedroom...very different than I expected! Sadly, I do not have any animals at my house besides three dogs. However, one girl lives with a menagerie including ostriches, turtles, and a monkey, so I will probably visit her sometimes.

I still don´t have a lot of details about the Env. Ed. projects, but hopefully that will become more clear on Monday. I am going to start my language training in Guarani because I passed the intermediate Spanish test. So far, all I know how to say is ¨My name is...¨, ¨hello¨ and Che aspirante Cuerpo Pazpegua (I am a Peace Corps trainee). Some of the sounds are really difficult to say, but the grammar is definitely easier than English or Spanish.

I will try to upload some pictures of where I live soon. I love and miss everyone!


Anonymous said...

Hey! I have been thinking about you since you left. It is so good to hear that you arrived safely and you are settled with your host family. Keep writing to keep us updated on what you are doing. Miss you already!

Anonymous said...

yeah that was my post and that was the title of a blog i created for a group down here in columbus lol. so its me--allison

Unknown said...

So glad to hear you made it safely! I was so sad that I missed your call today :( I can't wait to see pictures.
